Monday, April 20, 2009

if only..i could..if...

If only i could make you understand,
if only i can be be me,
i believe its wont be suck like this.
If only i could change and go back to the past,
im sure these crap wont be crap.
Now i can only smile with a fake,
or just grinning,
or no smile.
will it be easy for me?
ERr..nope..or yup.
maybe its seems easy for me,
but actually its fucking hard.
If i could go back to the past,
i just want to go back to school,
but without any relationship..
so that now the hurts i wont feel now.
But what can do now?what should i do in the future?
its not easy for me to move on.
so means i should give up?
no matter what i try to do..
it wont change anything.
now is better.
i knew thw true feelings..
no love no more care,rather than any fake feelings.
so i`ll just accept..i know i have to stay strong.
Im liyana..i can do it..

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