Tuesday, February 01, 2011

After sooOO long ;)

Yeshhhh! Been quiet for sucha long period. heeee. Not that busy,just lazy! :p
The reason why i'm blogging now is because i'm happy! hahaaa:)
oh i can't wait to wear 'em!!! and i'm collecting more and moreee!
Money for meals should cut down! add on for personal expanses! Yup yup=D
oh i can't wait for the day to see you,and my lui luis:) aww..i miss 'em so much! like so madly!
but seriously i still feel 'em close to my heart! well,12 more days! yuhoo~
Dear called,just.I'm so glad to listen to his sweet voice.oh not sweet at all,erm,just nice to me:)
oh i'm happy i'm happy! heheeeee:) Gonna start preparing the special naughty gift for the valentine.hehehehe=D

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